Creative Selection

by Ken Kocienda

Book Reviews

  • Sketching User Experiences by Bill Buxton and William Buxton The Choice by Eliyahu M. Goldratt About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan Cooper, David Cronin, and Robert Reimann Outcomes Over Output by Josh Seiden Decode and Conquer by Lewis C. LinLink to Tweet
  • Other books mentioned by at least one person: Build by @tfadell Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll and Ben Yoskovitz Turning the Flywheel by Jim Collins Creative Selection from Ken Kocienda Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Decisive by Chip and Dan HeathLink to Tweet
  • @Austen @kocienda’s book on what he has worked on meets what I would think is a requirement—the book should be by someone who built a product. “Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs” to Tweet
  • @bpsandpieces Creativity inc by far of the ones I’ve read. Americana good but long. Chapter one of creative selection is amazing then you can put it down.Link to Tweet
  • What's amazing today is that when you read a book you love that no longer has to be the end of your experience with the author. You can follow them on Twitter and keep engaging with their ideas. Creative Selection and @kocienda is my most recent favorite example.Link to Tweet
  • @sriramk @stevesi @sachinrekhi @kevinyien @JeffBezos Read Creative Selection. You measure quality and depth of thinking.Link to Tweet
  • Two examples I just went through, both good books I had read partially the old fashioned way. Master Switch Creative Selection to Tweet
  • "Creative Selection - Ken Kocienda" - this is not just a great Apple book but a great all-time book on engineering. Made me feel the love for computer science all over again. to Tweet
  • Loved reading Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda, retelling the story of creating the first iPhone's keyboard and thereby giving us a glimpse into Apple's design process. Here is my review. to Tweet