Rainbows End

by Vernor Vinge

Book Reviews

  • Legit answer!: From visionary author and real-life professor Vernor Vinge --> https://t.co/PmSNKNIbQU https://t.co/UuKTZn2qOxLink to Tweet
  • More: + The Sciences of the Artificial + Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming (the first Norvig book, not the second) + Edward Abbey + The Sermon on the Mount + "The Starship and the Canoe" + Freeman DysonLink to Tweet
  • Many of these books had a transformative effect on me. I'll read something like Deschooling Society, be transformed; and then I meet someone else decades later who loved it, and we're both instantly in a club!Link to Tweet
  • What are some books where you it makes you happy & excited when you learn they're a favourite of someone else? A few for me, no particular order + Watership Down + Governing the Commons + Deschooling Society + A Civil Campaign + Last and First Men, or Starmaker + Rainbows EndLink to Tweet